This is the part of the monthly cycle that most people think of when they hear ‘monthly cycle’ in reference to women. During this last phase, progesterone production drops off triggering that thickened uterine lining you’ve been building up to shed [i.e. your period]. Estrogen peaks, then drops which tells your hypothalamus to prepare for another cycle of ovulation.
How you might feel: You may experience the typical lower back ache, fatigue, and cramping along with cravings as your estrogen level spikes. Sometimes the increased estrogen can also cause a bit of constipation.
Self-care: Fun fact – during the menstrual phase the connection between the right and left hemispheres of your brain are firing back and forth more powerfully than at any other time. This often means you’re more likely to be self-reflective, tend to assess your life and identify areas where you can course-correct. Ever notice that you tend to want to plan your life during your menstrual phase? Sometimes journaling is a helpful activity during this time as it an help you capture your thoughts clearly as well as notice patterns in the same thoughts that come up more than once.
Nutrition: During the menstrual phase, your body is going through an intense process, so focusing your eating on nutrient-dense food is important. These should include foods that are low in sugar, higher in water content, and rich in iron and zinc which help to replenish the minerals you lose during menstruation. Think seafood, sea veggies, beets, kale, kelp, blueberries, cranberries, kidney beans, and pork.