Although the basic mechanics of how our bodies process glucose is essentially the same across all women, how efficiently we do this varies from one person to the next. Your endocrine system performs all of its complex functions via the language of hormones. One of its main functions, first and foremost, is transporting glucose to your brain, muscles, and heart. If anything within that process is amok, you're going to have mismanaged blood sugar as the first problem; as a result, though, none of the other parts of your endocrine system will function according to plan either!
Here are 5 tips to help you manage your blood sugar for the long haul!
Know what kind of burner you are. Most people fall into one of two types: fast glucose burners and slow glucose burners. Fast burners' bodies are able to move glucose into their cells rapidly and then immediately grab that glucose when they need it for energy. Meanwhile, slow burners have compromised insulin receptor cells, meaning that glucose stays in their blood stream much longer before making its way into their cells. [every heard of high or low metabolism?!] Knowing which kind of burner you are will help determine how many complex carbs you can handle with your meals.
Drink water! As soon as you wake up, drink 8 ounces of water.
Eat breakfast! As a matter of fact, try to do so within 90 minutes of waking. Don't consume caffeine of any kind before eating breakfast. Eat a protein-rich food with breakfast such as eggs, a vegan protein shake, or a smoked salmon.
Eat lunch! Ideally within 3 and a half hours of breakfast. Consume the majority of your calorie at lunch. Incorporate at least one good fat food, such as avocado, olive oil, or sunflower seeds.
Eat dinner within 3 and a half hours of your afternoon snack! Try to avoid grains and sugar of any other kind in the evening. Focus your dinner on a protein and raw or cooked vegetables. Schedule dinner so that you will be going to bed three adn a half to four and a half hours after the meal.
